Museo Archeologico Aristide Gentiloni Silverj


The Civic Archaeological Museum owes its name to Count Aristide Gentiloni Silverj (1884-1937), a scholar who carried out archaeological excavations in Tolentino between 1879 and 1883. It was possible, as a result of his documentary evidence and archive data, to classify the finds with their relative topographic references. The museum can be divided into two different sections: the first displays prehistoric and pre-Roman finds from the surrounding area and from the Piceni necropoles of the Tolentino site. Among these are bronze and lithic finds from the period between the Paleolithic and Bronze Ages and material discovered in the local necropoles. The second section is dedicated to finds from the Roman, late-antique and middle ages.

Museo Civico

San Ginesio





Museo Civico della Resistenza


This museum houses paintings and sculptures on the Resistance by Mastroianni, Guttuso, Sassu, Treccani, Cascella, and others. Another section shows photographs, maps and plans of the town dating back to the 16th century.

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