Museo dell’Arciconfraternita del SS. Cuore di Gesù


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Address Via G. Corridoni, 15/17/19
Phone +39 330 419 687
Orario Natale e Pasqua aperto dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 12.00 nel pomeriggio dalle oer 16.00 alle ore 19.00 ; su richiesta per altri periodi
Property Private
Situation Christmas and Easter: 9.00-12.00/16.00-19.00 Visits on request during the other periods.
Note The museum displays items belonging to the Confraternity of the Holy Heart of Jesus, established in Tolentino in 1805 by St. Vincenzo Maria Strambi. It is located next to the Church of the Holy Heart (Santissimo Cuore). The exhibits include altar cloths and objects linked to the confraternity’s activity. The historical archive and the library are open to research scholars.

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