
After having studied Economy and worked in International banks, at the age of 40 I decided to move to the countryside. Together with my wife Cristiana we moved from Milan to Le Marche in the center of Italy and opened our Agriturismo ( To follow my passion I attended several courses at S.I.H (Italian School of Horseman) and now I am a certified Instructor. We have 10 horses and we embraced the Horsemanship philosophy also with the rest of the family: 6 dogs, 17 cats, 10 goats, 15 chickens and 1 pig). We are one of the Italian National Centers of the S.I.H. and we arrange courses, trekking, lessons and full immersion 7 day experience



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Address C.da Schito, 447
Phone +39 334 122 024 2
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