Chiesa di Pievefavera

The only church in Pievefavera, with baroque style, 4 chapels and medieval decorations.It was renovated many times, and it’s a clear example of the history of this little burg.

The church, built in XII century was renovated many times, the face has a ogival portal with medieval decorations. The interiors are in baroque style, and the Church is organised with an only room and 4 side chapels with an imposing central altar.
Of the ancient plant there is only the apsis behind the central altar left. Valuable work is the wooden San Sebastiano from the XVIth century. The rectory is approached to the curch following the developement of the ground and forming the triangular-shaped churchyard. The area that surrounds the churchyard was built at the end of the XIIIth century, while only the building nearby dates back to the XIVth century. Nowadays on the churchyard are shown some archaeological remains so as to build an open “antiquarium”.



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Construction 12th century

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